Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Session 4 Question 1

What is something from this book study that you will implement in your classroom or role as an educator? Explain why.

Session 4 - Question 2

Would you recommend this book to other professionals in education? Why or Why not?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Session 3 - Question 1

What was an “A-Ha” moment or a reinforcement of your teaching style while reading this section? (Remember to give us the page number to reference.)

Session 3 - Question 2

How will you apply the sample unit’s format found in Chapters 2-3 into your class? Site page numbers to support your answer.

Session 3 - Question 3

If you were asked by your administrator to present to your grade level or campus the keys actions to follow while differentiating for gifted students what would you say?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Session 2 - Question 1

Do you believe pre-assessment activities will assist you in your teaching? Why or Why not?

Session 2 - Question 2

How will you apply the sample unit’s format found in Chapters 2-3 into your class? Site page numbers to support your answer.